Friday, December 18, 2009


Oh man it has been a bit since I last posted! Got caught up in school work, and working at the BnB. Still made time to play FFXI, just not time to organize my thoughts/events and put them down on this blog!

It has been fun! I got Moogle expansion and finished it!

The head piece I geared for Thief. My Thief gear is sort of lacking compared to Ranger, and I augmented it with weapon skills in mind. Also speaking of Thief weapon skills, I finally saved up enough gil to buy a -good- dagger for Thief!

Been doing a lot of campaign lately and this dagger kicks ass for it. I usually go as THF/DNC (to regain buffer from dynamis deaths), so hitting fast is important, I can't use sirocco 'cause I don't get the HP from Drain Samba, but this dagger is such a nice balance of speed and damage, makes my weapon skills hurt while draining plenty of HP.

Also on the topic of Augmenting, I went up toooo sky the other day to augment some stuff with my Whitemage friend, who is looking to make a melee cape for her Whitemage (who has a Kraken Club, the lucky devil). And following up on my "Thief needs weaponskill gear" idea, I wanted to augment a spinel ring. They are cheap, and very useable if I get the right augments, so I can try plenty of times. ...but this is what I came up with:

Not the best augment, more on the hilarious side acctually. I like to keep it around for sentimental value, since my friends haven't been playing as much as they used to. As a result we stopped doing Nyzul, which is lame 'cause I was working on collecting some Askar for when my Beastmaster hits 75! I mean, I already have all the Beastmaster relic including the belt, so I am totally ready!

Which reminds me, dynamis has been doing really good. Apparently some other shells are falling out, or losing steam, so we have been getting new members who are acctually experienced in the interworkings of dynamis which is great. We finally won Dynamis-Valkurm and are looking forward to some Dynamis-Tavnazia actions soon! Just have to redo some Qufim and Bubu for straggling members who missed runs or recently joined. Also we have been getting really lucky with relic drops! I'm acctually considering not lotting free stuff anymore just 'cause I am running low on inventory space because of my extensive collection of relic... I have 47 pieces of relic, 3 accessories, 2 -1 pieces, and 1 +1 piece. The 2 -1 pieces I got yesterday acctually, at a very very nice Dynamis-Qufim run. I didn't prio anything so I could lot them for the first bidding price.

Just need to fine the inventory space to upgrade them! And now I finally have something to use points on, other than Blackmage hat! Also a couple runs before yesterday I finally obtained Assassin's Cape. I love the icon for it and, oh yeah, the stats are good too! :3

Well, I can't think of much more to talk about. I am up to 900 Bronzepieces for my relic dagger. Only 500 more to go! Now it is time for more Campaign. It is such a great way for solo people like me to get exp. Have fun!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Ben A Why Eel.

Yeah, I have been busy looking for a new job, and things have been so automatically lately I forgot to update!

Not too much to say, my ls split apart so no more salvage for me... which really sucks 'cause i have a bunch of level 15/25 burning my storage, and no 35's to upgrade with.

Got BST up to 58! I have been living in the citadel just killing bombs all day. It gets boring, but it is easy exp, so can't really complain. But I can complain when BSTs go down there and keep ANON on, so I don't know they are there to kill the bombs, and I waste my time going down there, 'cause some idiot doesn't know how to /anon.

Did some meriting (never realized how long it's been since I merited), got couple AM II spells, and some HQ staves to go with them.

And one of my really awesome good friends left, and that has made me crazy sad. -_- Yeah I still get to talk to her on aim, but WE CAN'T DO STUFF TOGETHER LIKE GO OUT AND ON QUESTS AND DIE ALL OVER THE PLACE! But shes preggers and she already has another kid, so I understand.

Alright, time for me to draw stuffs, I should think more about what to type on here before typing it out... and I need to find a new LS.

Monday, June 8, 2009

NMs what!?

Well I haven't spent all my time leveling BST. My dynamis shell had a pretty nice Xarcabard run recently. I don't remember all the drops, but I got my 'second' Koga Tekko, which I can finally turn in to make this bad boy!

Then the next run after that I sponsored a Bastok which yeilded a 491 byne bill count! Very nice, extra points for all who showed up and helped!

But before all that, Mots wanted a Jelly Ring. While we were down there we were also killing ghosts for Mane to pop, but he noticed on Widescan that these two guys were up. Phanduron and Drexerion the Condemned. We were suprised 'cause there was maintenance that ended 4AM that morning, and we were camping these around 3PM or so, and that means no one has come down here for almost 12 hours to beat these guys. Or they did and horribly failed, and gave up.

We decided to go with the BLM first, Phanduron. This fight was a little difficult, because he likes his -ga spells, and using Dimensional Death right after using those -ga spells. So there were times when my HP dropped to red, but I was able to manage it and get back up to a safe level. No drops on him, but it was fun just to see him considering their spawn times.

Drexerion the RNG! He was pretty easy, like all RNG mobs they always shoot between hits, except this guy was sloooooow. So with hojo on him the whole fight was extremely managable. We got full drops, Mots took the Shadow Mask, and I took the bow which I now keep in my bazaar for max gil.

Finally after killing those NMs, our target pops as we are clearing out the area! We had killed him before for my Jelly Ring a while ago, and the fight was oh so easy, and the drop rate is oh so nice at 95%.

So needless to say (or take a screenshot) it dropped the ring. The fun part though, was mots and his Primal Rends. He was doing excellent damage to SS with those Rends. Makes me want to bust out RNG and try Trueflight on him!

Salvage was good, the run we did had a bunch of silly mistakes in it that held us back from doing the boss, but we got 35 usu hands! Always good to see a rare 35 drop.

Also on the SEA front, did 3 JoP, and one JoH! It was my job on JoP to kite the second one away while everyone killed the additional guy. I only died once out of three pops, it was a good day for me. Unfortunately though, only one torque dropped. :/ And the one JoH wasn't that friendly with the torque either.

But it is good to see my craft getting put to good use!

Lordscuba in action using the sword I signed for him!

I think it is time I get back to BST and do some more leveling. Been stuck on 52, SSG is a pretty good camp but not that fun! It is a tight fit, and there are people killing the Sahagin for the NM.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

FFXI Community!

Yeah, I submitted my little blog here to the FFXI Community thing!

Check it out!

If you have an FFXI themed site, I highly suggest submitting it. They give you this neat little site tool (that thing on the right side with Shantotto), and they let you download a bunch of stuff! For example there are logos for each expansion: (I am posting lower res versions, the ones they give you are very much nicer than these)

They have one for each expansion, also all with Black Background versions, and PSD versions for easier editing.

They also give out stuff like shop and guild signs, little crystals, and the face of every race. (Not all of the faces though, just some ones they have selected for each race).

Just examples, they have all the crystals available.

As well as all the shop signs, these are just a few.

And the guild signs!

Here are some examples of the faces, these are just small versions. (Hume doesn't get cropped at the shoulders WTF!?)

And of course the flags of awesome!

You can bet I will totally be using these images and making myself a neat little profile!

Also on a side note: I hate the fact that Black Mage mobs in Dynamis can cast spells while moving, and while I'm not near them on the radar. Meaning they must have a larger range than normals. It completely ruined our Dynamis-Windurst run. Because we have to low-man it, and so we run out of time, and when I death pull the last NM before the boss, and eat a Thundaga III, while well out of range... it completely kills time.


School ended last week. So I had a bunch of time to catch up on BST! Lets see, in my last post it was level 43? But now it is level 51. The trip was fun long, and also lame! I got from 43 to 45 in a party with some friends who had a PL, which was fun cause I just used a tiger jug pet and smacked things all day. Next I soloed a bit, and another BST wanted to duo Djinns with me in E. Ronfare [S]. It was okay, but the guy wasn't exactly the best BST. We /rdm to nuke the Djinn's and give them 100% TP, increasing their chance to explode and give us instant EXP! But at one point, the guy I was duoing with, nuked while his pet died and as the Djinn was coming at us. And wouldn't you know it, the thing exploded on us, killing us both. He got a R3 from a nearby Pixie, that ignored me. I took an R1 from a SMN that was passing by.

After that I started the long task of finding the right camps. I tried a BUNCH of places. A really good place was Gustav Tunnel. Lots of mobs all over the place, and lots of Goblins! Only problem is...

Yeah I didn't notice Goblinsavior spawned when I was leveling. I just thought it was another Goblin Reaper, and blindly sent my pet on it. I died eventually, the NM hits like a truck! I stayed in Gustav for a while, till about 47, 48. Then went on to test out a bunch of other different areas.

Rolanberry Fields [S] was not a good place at 49, almost all the crawlers there were Tough, and rarely ever turned EM. Labyrinth of O was not fun at all. First 'cause you have to get past the pack of Goblins at the start, and then the leech pets didn't seem to be high enough to kill cockatrice. Plus the cockatrice have a petrify attack which really sucks, and forces you to swap out pets. Pet swapping is not fun in that tight space you have to deal with.

West Altepa was a nice alternative for the 48-49 area. I just stuck to Beetle on Beetle action with the occassional Dhalmel pet in there.

Finally at 49 I gritted my teeth and just killed a bunch of EM crawlers and some T lizards in the Crawler's Nest. Then when I hit 50, everything changed. I now had RR, auto regen from /whm, Gaudy harness, this neat new leg armor...

Yeah, it is hilarious and practical, right up my alley!

Aside from new armor, all the lizards were now completely different. More EM, and some DC lizards perfectly mixed with T lizards. Not only that, but there were two rooms full of them, and some EM Witch Hazels in between to help kill T lizards, if there were too many of them. Also it was funny because when I went to a specific tunnel, the lizards seem to always back themselves into this wall, and keep going up it...

They go even higher on the wall to the point were you can only see like one leg, and a head, but I forgot to snap a shot of it.

I'm level 51 now, sporting my Apollo's staff. Can't wait to hit 52, and start leveling in the ToAU areas where I hear the EXP is so very nice, and I can start wearing my AF!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

ha! GUN!

Yeah so we did the Sheep in Antlion's Clothing ENM. Got lucky this time, it makes it about 1/5 for us I think. Maybe more...

Our Hagun sold for 2.6mil! In a four way split that is 650k for each of us. I do believe that lets me afford an Apollo's staff, for BRD and for upcoming BST!

Speaking of BST, I did some leveling the other night. I was procrastinating on it, cause the camps at 42-43 didn't look to appetizing. But I sucked it up and decided to hit up the crawlers nest. As soon as I got the first lizard room it was digital sex. Two EM lizards surrounded by T lizards and T crawlers. With those two pets I was able to get multiple chain 3's and burned through level 42 quickly. After that though, locating T mobs was rough, so I decided to change camps. And went to the Sanctuary of Zi'Tah... not very fun. The exp was slow because of the random people killing random mobs everywhere. The treasure casket addition to the game is killing my exp! First Behemoth Dominion now here. Oh well, next time I level BST I'm going to try another camp.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Getting my mage on, black style!

OH DIP! BLM is 75!!! (with only a 2k buffer but still!) 5th job to 75 w00t!

Yeah, not a whole lot else going on. Finished the ACP missions, was very short, but at least there's two more "picture books" coming up. My RNG looks supasexxai in Mirke! Went for the snapshot effect on Mirke because you really can't get it anywhere else on a piece of equipement besides ToAU ring, and the new head from SCNMs.

Still no rostrum pumps, or ugly pendant, and I need better rings for BLM (using genius and wisdom LAWLS), and some HQ staffs. Earth and Light at least for BRD also.

I'm probably going to work on BST next, since I don't need a party to level it, and I can level at any time, so it works great with my crazy schedule. It is at 42 or 41 now. Can't remember if I deleveled or not doing a quest to help someone get a THF/DNC subligar from the sewers!

Dynamis is going okay! Finally got to sponsor a run, but the coin drop wasn't great. Only about 300, and some of which I used to make relic+1. Also found another glitch in the glacier! Mob seems to be stuck there, doesn't aggro or anything, and couldn't see it to pull it apparently. The last glitch (they fixed) was when I pulled mobs and went into a tower, the mobs would teleport to my position in the tower. I kinda wish it wasn't fixed.

Anyway, back to work!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

BAH! School has been kicking my ass lately, haven't had a whole lot of extra time to play outside of the usual scheduled events (Dynamis and Salvage).

Which comes to my latest achievement! I have Anu's, Ea's and Enlil's Tiara, which gives me all the rare/ex stuff I need to get Marduk's Tiara! Just need to find time to do about 10 Royale Rambles, and people willing to help me out. I have 460KS so I have enough for all 10 battles and some screw ups.

I'm originally going after Skadi gear in Salvage, but no one else in my group really wants Marduk stuff, so I keep getting the leftovers. Just haven't had too much luck so far with Skadi stuffsfsfs.

As for leveling, I got blm up to 73! :D More than half way to 74 now. I'm working on BST at the moment. One of the hardest things so far is trying to find the perfect camp for the level I am, and everytime I gain a level, the camp changes. At level 36-38 the SSG was perfect for me, starting off on Sahagins then moving on to Ghasts around 37. After that I tried some suggested places on Wiki. Yuhtunga Jungle was a bust, leveling off Goblin Poachers with Soldier Crawler pets. At 39, all the pets (except maybe 2) checked as Tough, and the Poachers were mostly IT, some VT. Probably a better place for level 40. Someone suggested Lycos in the past, at Battalia or Rolanberry, but those were all EP.

But after a lot of traveling and some dying I found the perfect place! Jugner Forest [S] around H-6. As soon as I got there, Land Pugils and Snippers (my pets) checked as EM and Hawkertraps (the Prey) were all T, AND the number of pets to prey was 3 to 1, with lots of space to run around. Couldn't ask for a better spot! Hawkertraps are vicious though, they hit kind of hard, and somewhat fast. Either that or I am paranoid, and they double attack me every chance they get... either way, it takes two pets to kill one, and if I don't have the second pet ready fast I get my ass kicked.

As soon as I get up to 40 I'm heading back to that Yuhtunga camp, to see if it's better at a higher level. The Page 2 Regime for that zone is perfect for that camp. 4 Goblins (any job), and 7 Death Jackets (which were EP). The extra exp, and a refresh would make it heaven!

Haven't messed around too much with Crafting, nor have I purchased that token thing for Mog Sachel yet. But I did do a couple of those new missions. I know a lot of people have already finished them and got their augmented stuff, and almost all for several different purposes, which is a pretty good addition for the game, but for 10 dollars... I can't help but feel SE is just sucking up the last bit of money they can before switching all their focus to Rapture. (Which from the Screenshot looks like an upgraded version of FF11).

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Crafting frenzy!

Bumped up Bonecraft to 70, and a friend of mine wanted a signed Macuahuitl+1!

HQ on the first try. But no more after that (did about 11 more I think), which is pretty unlucky since I was synthing on darksday, and new moon. :/

Also got Leathercraft up to 35. Good stuff so far! Battering Rams are a gift from Altana.

Other than that, dynamis kinda sucked. We did bubu, and lost to the boss cause of low numbers. We got him down to like 12% or so, but it became too overwhelming to last long enough to finish him.

But to end on a good note, I finally got an Odorous knife synthed... Now I just need to find people to kill the NM. And Rostrum pumps NM too... I've had that antlion trap forevs. >_<

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Scorpion Harness [Veovious]

I have made a signed Scorpion Harness!

I know it isn't a big deal because there are more and more +1's and these NQ Scorpion Harnesses are no long in such high demand, but it is a personal accomplishment!

First Official Post!


Aight so, it has been an eventful week in FFXI. Got BLM up to level 70 (yay), and got some neat items to go with it!
Phantom Tathlum (finally)

and Vicious Mufflers.

On the Dynamis front, I got really lucky sponsoring Dynamis-Bastok. 2 100byne bills droped, and 196 1byne bills dropped, which put my through my first stage of Relic weapon.
Malefic Dagger: O

In crafting land, I finally got Leathercraft up to 33 (made all my gil back too farming for ingredients)! Using it as a sub to Bonecraft, so I can sign my own Scorpion Harness, and eventually make a +1 on down the line.

Other than that, Rya likes to love on poles:

And fear the frog horde:

Saturday, February 28, 2009

First Post of Justice!

Start with the introductions I guess. To test out the layout of the page and all that junx!

I'm Veovious in FFXI on the Gilgamesh server (let the stalking begin). Like any mithra, I have THF, and RNG up to 75, and also NIN and BRD. Currently working on Monk and Black Mage at the same time, they are both 60+! I don't have too many accomplishments in comparison to a lot of people out there. The only thing I can say is that I have a metric shitton of relic gear. Over 20 including some -1 gear burning my inventory, and accessories from CoP areas.

As far as crafting goes, I have Bonecraft up to 69 (trying to get my apron! :D) and working on Leathercraft (16.3 and counting) as a sub so I can sign my own Scorpion harness.

Here is a picture of my Ranger right after I got Denali body, I look so sexy with my 123123million ranged attack!